Monday, April 11, 2011

BEDA #11: a song

hello. I don't think I'll talk politics today; I had a shitty day, and I still have things to wrap up.

Instead, I'll bring you a song.

I kind of like it, if only for the trippy feel, and the imagery in the lyrics. My 15 year old sister doesn't believe in "emo songs". She mainly listens to upbeat kpop.

I don't think she understands the value of emo songs yet. Or rather, songs which cover the emotional spectrum: from happy to sad, from "I love my friends" to "I love New Zealand", from "I hate the world and everyone in it" to "harry-potter-is-awesome". You know?

Sometimes I think music is able to say the words that I'm unable to express, or acknowledge the feelings that I don't let myself feel. Music can bring you to a certain place or time. I like the way music unites people, even form entire communities.

I like it most when music says, "You are not alone."

What does music do for you?


  1. Music is amazing. And the feeling of not being alone, I got that most with Regina Spektor her music. Sometimes it eases the pain when nothing else can.

    But music also brings joy, even extreme happiness, ecstatic feelings. It can make you feel as if you have temporarily been lifted from the world into some kind of haze that is too good to leave.

    Music is a thing of 2 opposites and I think the world needs that.

    Hope your day will be better tomorrow!


  2. @Nicolas
    Thank you <3
    yeah, I get that, "temporarily lifted from the world" part. Music helps.
