Wednesday, April 6, 2011


eeek. I almost forgot to do today's BEDA.

Today won't be a long one, because I want to play diner dash. #honesty
Or maybe I'll just leave this tab open and type random thoughts intermittently. EH?
Also today I'm making a concerted effort to read blogs on the Ning, rather than just going though whatever's in Google Reader.

About marriage, I thought about it, then I realised that I was annoyed by the advertisements more because I didn't like someone telling me what to do with my personal life. I don't think my government should get involved in my personal life and who I choose to date or if I choose to date at all. I'm not sure though if this is a separate issue from the irritation that arises when I see friends' facebook statuses-- when they change it from "single" to "in a relationship". I don't know. It's such an impersonal way of telling everybody that you're dating so and so.

It also smacks of egoism, like saying: "hey everybody I have a BOYFRIEND, HEY LOOK AT ME I'M ATTACHED. HEY DID YOU KNOW I WAS ATTACHED? YEAH." Sometimes I feel like it's a validation of your person if you're in a relationship. : /
Not that I agree with this, but that's how it feels like on facebook. Oddly enough this only applies to people I don't talk to anymore. If I were in regular contact with the people who get hooked up, especially if both are friends of mine, I just feel so happy for them. #sap

For example, two couples I know were mutual friends beforehand, and when they got together I felt like the world was made of unicorns and rainbows, and they make me feel like I can believe in love again. #suchasap

okay, going to end this now, because I want to go to bed. xD good night my dears.

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