Friday, April 8, 2011

BEDA #8: My agenda for the week


I've realised that lately my posts have been so excruciatingly girly. I'll try to make today's post more MANLY. *grunts*

"He's a lumberjack and I'm okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day
I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers
I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars"

Yesterday was more productive than today, because I went to the library and managed to plow through some of my readings! #yay
Today I woke up late, and didn't get much bio done. #nay
I'll have to get more math done over the weekend. Like, a lot of math that I haven't practiced in ages. So hopefully I can do that on sunday, because sunday is Study Day.

Saturday is Going Out Because I Can't Stand It In The House Anymore day, so I'm going to the mph book sale at the expo with my friend. I asked him to go dancing too, but he was the one who was complaining that it cost too much money... so WE'LL SEE. Just anything that will get me out of the house. It's because I have cabin fever! Kind of. The thing is, not being at school/ work means that I don't really have anyone to talk to except my family, and we don't really have much in common. ahaha that's a nice way to put it. My family is nice! Just in moderate doses. There's a flea market too, tomorrow, and I reaallly want to go shopping, but my wardrobe is complaining, so it would be wise to exercise prudence and not go this time.

And I realised that next week I'll be having dinner with other people too, so it won't be so stifling. Now you know my agenda, and my all the details of my sordid life!~~

What else do you want to know? Oh I'm learning Maybe I Will and Build Me Up, Buttercup-- the julia nunes version on the ukulele. Still quite amazed at how easy it is to learn how to play the uke. It's just fun, being able to play the songs I like. I'll probably move on to JB Dazen songs or something next. Or learn how to play the Amanda Palmer radiohead covers.

Right. I'm going to look for some HP Lovecraft to read, while it's still dark. ; )
See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I so want to be able to play the uke, but I can never keep myself motivated to do so... It takes up so much of your time :-/
