Friday, April 29, 2011

BEDA #29

so everyone's making #8in8 videos, because Neil and Amanda cajoled us to.
Neil and amanda and kyle cassidy are tweeting all the good videos, and I'm like !! :D Because it's pretty awesome. Though personally I don't think the videos made so far aren't that good. Some of them are funny, and clearly took some effort to make, and it's fun to watch them. :)

I'm not sure whether to go on watching music videos of other songs, because I want to make a music video too, and I want to create it without having seen other people's stuff. I'm listening and relistening to the EP and thinking which songs would be good to do, and thinking about my ideas. To be honest I haven't been making videos lately because my main camera's memory card is blown, and I can't record anything longer than 7 seconds. I've discovered that the camera has been doing this with successive memory cards ever since I connected the memory cards to the Macbook, so maybe there are compatibility issues. I don't know. So my dad has lent me another spare memory card, so I'm going to try to use that.

Also I haven't had much time to make videos, what with trying to get on top of work, and exams coming up, and uni application paperwork to wade through. haha and I've realised that it also requires some planning-- a good video requires that I take the morning or afternoon off, and a bit of the night to edit, and it requires it to be sunny, when I'm usually only free after dark, and I need to be wearing a certain type of clothes... so yeah. planning.

Also yes I realise my video frequency rate is pretty crappy, but really it's the longest time that I've stuck to any internet obsession besides blogging, of course, so I suppose that's something. I really should plan out time to make videos, but what with everything I have to deal with, I don't want to do it if it just makes me even more overwhelmed and stressed. Jeez I used to be so productive when I had to go to school every day, taking advantage of public holidays to make videos. Now I don't have to go to school, I don't really do that anymore. hmm. I need to make a googledoc of video ideas and get my shit organised! I also have a couple unedited videos sitting in iMovie just waiting to be released. Just so you know.

I just feel like talking about my ~creative process~ after hearing Troy Chin (graphic novelist) talk about his work habits today. He's so productive! And so hardworking. I should take a few tips from his book. It's pretty funny, whenever one meets an author, because most of the time they are nothing like what you expect them to be. Also it's important to separate the creative product from the creator, and not judge the quality of the piece by whether you like the creator or not. It's fairly hard to do, because of inherent personal bias. Sometimes I also feel that I'm unable to fully critique the author's work, having met the author in person, because I feel bad about saying negative things about the work. Having met so many authors, I think I'd like to keep a safe distance from them. xD

This excludes LitDay, though! eep eep I'm so freaking excited; I just realised that a lot of the authors that I've ~worshipped~ for the past few years are going to be there-- DAVID FREAKING LEVITHAN, for example. And Stephanie Perkins, author of Anna and the French Kiss. I've only read half of that book, but it was still good. Not to mention John Green and Maureen Johnson. I'm not sure which books to bring for them to sign! I was thinking of bringing Let It Snow and Will Grayson, Will Grayson, because then I don't have to pack too many books. xD I can't seem to find my copy of wgwg, even though I clearly remember buying it and reading it. Ah well, I have a few months. I need to start a packing list! I'm afraid that I'll forget something critical, like my books to sign or my sunglasses.

Today I checked my chictopia account: and I realised that 2 of my favourite blogger-people commented on my last picture. :D :D even though it was uploaded 3 months ago. I want to do more chictopia pictures, and style everything in my closet. The time is ripe for another trip to salvation army-- the last time I went was 4 months ago. Maybe for another flea market too. That one was 2 months ago. I've discovered a strategy-- to go when they are closing, when people want to get rid of their stuff-- everything goes at ridiculous prices! I got a dress at $5 because of that. haha and I usually get 2nd-hand stuff. My favourite shirt at the moment costs $3, and with the $5 shorts from salvation army, my outfits get pretty cheap. ^_^ Maybe I shouldn't go, because I need the money for merch at leakycon. A few more months won't hurt.

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