I have things to tell you about today! Though I don't know if that can be done, because I have lots of emails to send to the 9 universities I applied to (I don't know, is that a big number? I was worried. I applied to another two which required lots of jumping through hoops, and they've rejected me, so there's a lot of shit to be settled.) I'm considering applying to more, and I have to decide pretty soon, since their deadlines are in a few days. I'm just a little swamped by the stupid pile of admin work that I have to tie up, and that I've put myself in. #stressed
Because my mum keeps bugging me to apply to MORE universities, and she doesn't understand that the deadlines for the universities in the states are over, so I have to look for liberal arts universities anywhere else that will accept my sorry ass, but the thing is the liberal arts universities that are not in the US have names that she does not recognise, so she won't agree with the choices. Also I don't really want to start new applications, because each application asks so many fucking questions, that are not really the same and that I can't really copy-paste.
Thank goodness I only needed to write one personal statement and edit it for the rest of the universities. Each university has a RIDICULOUS form that I have to fill out and different things that they want, and it's so exhausting and frustrating to go through all this shit and photocopy so many different things and send it through the fucking POST early to make sure it gets there on time-- and they reject me. I had to do the most admin work for X and Y university, I spend $20 on a overseas bank transfer because they don't fucking accept credit cards for the registration fee, and they reject me when I don't send my transcript, even though I explained to them WELL BEFOREHAND that I wouldn't even receive my diploma by their deadline, and they say they want a recommendation letter in their format, but I can't do that.
It's probably a valuable lesson learnt, that I should
1. Read application instructions properly.
2. Adhere to all administrative/ housekeeping specifications very very carefully.
There were two funny things that happened today, though :D
1. I went to 7-eleven, at 10.30pm, looking for candy. With my indecisiveness, it takes me very long to buy anything. xD So after staring at the rack for ages, I finally found the cheapest chocolate bar, and went to the counter to pay for it. Queueing up behind me was this adorable filipino trans mtf sister whom you couldn't tell was male, until you heard her voice. The cashier guy had this strange expression on his face, as if he was trying not to laugh. After I paid for my candy, she was like: "Call me later, ok? *pats cashier's arm*" And the poor cashier was in such a tight spot. But the transguy was so feminine! He had boobs and everything, and amazing makeup... Anyway by this time I found it so funny, and I grinned at the cashier guy, and he grinned back.
2. On the bus home-- it was about 11.30pm then, I saw a guy reading Are We There Yet? by David Levithan, and I was thinking: "omg omg DAVID LEVITHAN I worshipped him when I was 14; he is amazing; I love that book" And what are the chances, right, that someone on the bus was reading that. I mean people read on the bus all the time, but their reading material is rarely that awesome. So I was thinking-- "should I tell him? Aw heck, the chances of me meeting him again are nil, and I'm going to get off at the next stop anyway."
So I said, "This is an awesome book!"
And he laughed.
I think I'll talk to people on the bus more. ^_^ Only at night, though, because day people tend to be busy/ asleep/ grumpy. xD
My apologies that you have to put up with this pissy post today. Tomorrow will be better and will have *actual* content! #promise
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