Saturday, April 23, 2011

BEDA #23: babies

My colleague from work gave birth today! Her baby is so cute.
It's been a long time since I've known anyone who was expecting a baby for a period of time-- a long time since I've had the chance to follow the process, if you will. There's something about a bun in the oven that creates anticipation, you know? Sometimes there are things like these that make you believe in the world again.

haha I sound so female.

I'm not even sure that I want to have kids in the future; it's just this joy surrounding the creation of a new human being. The whole process just brings people together: the 2 months before she was due, everyone was talking to my colleague about babies; the customers shared their experiences, and everyone wished her good luck. It's just the polite thing to do, I suppose. But everyone just sends you happy vibes; even though the whole process is just harrowing. There's the backaches, the swollen ankles, limited mobility, puking... the list goes on. But people are supportive and sympathetic, and everyone's so nice.

It's strange, how much sacrifice goes into having a baby. And yet people want to do it so much. Of course biological instinct explains half of it, but what about the practical concerns?

I like how a baby sometimes brings people together. Like Henry Green and DFTBA Lullabies! That was amazing. I think it's the shared joy and celebration that a new human being is brought into the world. A baby also symbolises hope for the future-- that a new generation of human beings will carry on our legacy. The legacy of a certain culture, perhaps, or even the legacy of humanity. For a while I wanted to be a researcher BECAUSE I felt like I was going to continue the legacy of humanity. It would be such an honor to be a custodian of human knowledge and exploration-- to carry on the journey that my predecessors had begun. It's such a romantic idea.

Why do you think people like births so much?

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