Thursday, April 19, 2012

BEDA #19: I'm back :D

Being in college or being anywhere for that matter makes you have the compulsion to do it like other people do.

For example. People I follow on tumblr who go to college in the US are talking about choosing classes. I feel like I should be worried about doing readings and choosing classes too. hahaha but I don't have any classes to choose. At my uni, for anthropology, we get assigned classes, and everyone who does straight anthropology does the same classes for 1st and 2nd year. Then in the 3rd year you get to choose electives and you do your dissertation. 

People in high school are talking about tests and reading they have to do, and I feel like I should worry about it, but I don't have classes anymore. haha. it's so weird. I get worried over things. I have like two days of class and then NO MORE CLASSES till next year. It's SO WEIRD for me. Really. In JC/high school, obviously, we had class every day, 4 weeks off in june, about 7 weeks off in nov/dec/jan, 1 week off in march, and 1 week off in september . That's IT. Now I have 4 weeks off for easter, summer term is almost non-existent save for exams, so literally I almost have no classes from april to august (FIVE MONTHS) inclusive. Maybe it's because I'm in 1st year, that's why it's so slack.

haha you guys in college will hate me for saying this. But I'm actually complaining. xD

I'm very bad at disciplining myself if there are no classes on, though. Which is what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to be disciplined enough to do the work even when there's no classes. haha. I GUESS THIS IS A LESSON IN BEING A FREELANCER. you know, to cultivate discipline even when you don't go to a specified workplace daily. 

I don't really have a conclusion today. Except that I managed to get some of my sketchbook done on tuesday, so I know roughly what direction I'm going in. Today I showered, and went to buy food. Did some planning/research for summer. nothing much to mention. Nicolas has been very encouraging in my BEDA endeavors, and pooky catches me on google talk. It's like having a friend in my pocket! :P

"we're like long lost brothers who've found each other and love each other like family"


  1. Yesssssss! All of the encouragement ^^

    I haven't had any classes since my last exam period, which ended at the beginning of February . I have to work on my thesis, so yes there is the need for disipline, but I think I know myself well enough to know I can handle it.

    Go Nicole!

    1. thank you! you are awesome. I think I'll check back on this whenever I need a kick in the butt. ^__^
