Monday, April 9, 2012

BEDA #9: the soup I'm having for dinner today.

Right now I'm having leek and seaweed soup for dinner, and it's raining outside. The best.
Going to talk about how to make it today. It's not so much cooking as putting things together, I guess. Like how they have recipes for ramen. Serves 2.

8 frozen dumplings, depending on size of your pot.
One large leek, about 45cm long. (leeks are expensive in singapore; don't really cook with them much, so I'm not sure how long the average one is.)
Handful of dried seaweed, the kind that is in this video.
1 tbsp of dried anchovy powder, or whole anchovies, if you can get them.

1. Put the kettle on the boil. 
2. Get out the dumplings, and your pot, and the dried seaweed. Put the dumplings on the counter to defrost a little.
3. Fill a pot with the hot water, and put in the anchovy powder, and dried seaweed. Put it on low heat, so that it's not boiling, and take note of what time it is. Cover, so that the soup stays clear.
4. Go cut up the massive leek. 
5. Pop the leek into the pot. 
6. 15 minutes after turning the heat on, put in the dumplings.
7. Go watch some VEDA videos for 5 minutes.
8. Poke at the dumplings to make sure they are done. Taste the soup. Make sure the leeks are soft enough for you.
9. If everything is ok, it's done! Sit in front of the window, laugh at the sad cold people outside, and drink your soup.

Note: You'll probably need carbs with this, but I had mine with rice today, cooked separately. You could have some noodles too, and put them in the soup.


  1. Every recipe should have step 7 in it. Also, mmmm soup.

    1. Thank you for commenting on, like, ALL of my posts :)
      is that a reference to something? "Every recipe should have step 7 in it"
