Ok to be honest, I can't tell most of their songs from each other; they all sound the same to me. Maybe I have a bad listening ear or whatever. The only ones I kind of know are Black and Blue, Disdain, and Another Day. I'm pretty sure this was the last encore song they played, and I only know for sure because they said the title before they sang it. xD
They sang it acoustic. Acoustically? It's supposed to be an adjective, but I don't know if "acoustic" is an adjective or a noun. Oh wait it's an adjective because it's before a noun, like "acoustic set". OH RIGHT I was looking for the adverb version of "acoustic". This is how they sound acoustically!
aiyah I don't like that they're going to put out an acoustic-only album. Most of the reason why I like them is because of their dance-y music. There's no point in an UHH acoustic song because you can't dance to it, and the lyrics don't mean anything. At least to me. ahahaha I couldn't even identify 70% of the set they played today. um. hahahahaha I'm trying to come up with reasons why I went. Hmm. When I was in LA they were playing there! But it was a >21 show, wtf?! German roommate from cologne, frieda, (the only other person whom I've met irl who knows of UHH) told me to go borrow ID from the asian girls living in the apartment next door. So I went next door to their apartment and introduced myself and spoke mandarin. Only 1-2 of them were chinese, the rest were japanese, I think. But they weren't over 21 either, so no ID. xD Long story short, I was pissed that I missed their show, so I told myself that I needed to go watch them when it was announced that they were coming here.
Most of the reason why I felt pissed that I'd missed them was this song:
I would put this on repeat, because it was one of the few dance-y non-mainstream songs that were sexy. There. I said it. The songs make me feel all supergay and sexy. *sheepish* I'm laughing so much as I type this. In their favor, they did play this song at the show, and people were jumping along to it. Honestly? I think that the fact that Leisha Hailey (the blonde one) was on the L word, and because they're so gay and sexy is probably mostly why they're so appealing, and the lyrics are secondary. Even frieda asked me "which one" I liked, leisha or camila.
(sidenote: I was looking up leisha hailey's wikipedia page, and she dated KD Lang?! okay she gets all of the awards. No wonder! There were all these older dykes at the show, who danced more than the younger ones. xD I rarely see older dykes. I'M SORRY I'm very sheltered okay~ Or maybe I've seen them in singapore but they don't go to clubs.)
Also, the show! I've never seen so many lesbians in one place. But really. There seemed like, what, 10 guys in the entire 1000-odd crowd? And a handful of transguys. They had a unisex toilet, which was great. I've never seen so many girls making out in one place. SERIOUSLY. I'd be standing there, minding my own business, watching the show, where every other couple is touching each other's butts, whispering excessively into each other's ears, cuddling. Then you're trying to dance but noooo there's people making out in front of you~~ then you shuffle sideways. and to the back of the room. and to the side. and another making-out couple will be lurking, ready to catch you just when you're not paying attention. Then they turn up right in front of you. The funniest. The lead singer of the show opener, Sick of Sarah, was like, "hello ladies, and one gentleman".
Allow me to devote an entire paragraph to the lead singer of sick of sarah, whose name I don't even know. BUT she's so hot okay. Even the girls on the train home were gushing about her HIPS. what even. The vocals sound like tegan and sara. They had to man their own merch table, and when the lead singer was at the merch table, she had a whole bunch of groupies surrounding her, and getting her to take pictures with them. She was charming the pants off them, me included. Maybe not literally. I was just standing there and staring *_* trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. I like her hairrrrr and it's all swoosh and her sunglasses, and when she's onstage she likes to show everyone her tummy, which is perfectly FINE BY ME~~ *googles*
her name's ABISHA UHL. with a name like that, you don't need chiseled hips. ABISHAAA~~
Sometimes this blog makes me wonder if I'm not lesbian. Oh... wait...
No, but seriously, I'm glad you had a great time and I'm glad your eyes were getting a treat as much as your ears.